Carnival of Evolution

The 22nd edition of the Carnival of Evolution has been published at Beetles in the Bush, and it includes several pieces that I wrote! So be sure to go there, read, enjoy and -- most important of all -- provide feedback to the blog writers who spend their precious free time reading and writing about cool science so we all can read about it!
... over at Beetles in the Bush. Go read it! Now! Next month's carnival will be over at Evolution: Education and Outreach. Submit now through this handy-dandy little form!
Better late than never, the 20th Carnival of Evolution has been published at Skeptic Wonder. The author, Psi, has actually reconstructed a phylogenetic analysis using the URLs as protein sequences, converting the letters into amino acids. This then resulted in a cladogram that show that most blog-posts form monophyletic clades. Although, oddly, there is one instance of paraphyly .. hrm.
Overnight (well, overnight for my time zone), I received an email, beseeching me to submit a story or two to the carnival of evolution. I did that, but then decided to go one step further, to ask you to also submit a story of your own, or stories you've read, to this carnival -- afterall, there's no law that says you can't submit other people's writing if it's published on a blog. If you'd like to read the complete archives, you can access them from the Carnival of Evolution website (which looks much nicer than the Scientia Pro Publica website, sigh!) Oh, and while you're at it, keep in mind…
Well, it's 2010, and it's time for another edition of the Carnival of Evolution! Without further ado... First up we have a fascinating discovery brought to us by GrrlScientist over at Living the Scientific Life. Scientists have recently discovered a new species of orchid. This one is definitely unique - it's TINY! Check out the minuscule newest addition to the plant kingdom! Speaking of interesting species, our next submission documents an interesting creepy crawly species. Ted C. MacRae talks about the evolution of a "really" big-headed tiger beetle over at Beetles In The Bush. Of course,…
It is with great pleasure that I announce to you all that Carnival of the Blue #25 is up! What better way to celebrate World Ocean Day than to read the best of the best in ocean blogging! And, if you haven't already, don't forget to check out the Carnival of Evolution #12 over at Deep Sea News. Any other important carnival announcements I missed?
Hello everyone! Happy Carnival! evâoâluâtionâ [ev-uh-loo-shuhn or, especially Brit., ee-vuh-]ânoun1. A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.           Most of the time, when we think 'evolution', we think about animals and genetic diversity. Sure, we've heard the term "Chemical Evolution" thrown around a bit, too, but only about events before life began. Well, not everyone uses such a narrow definition of evolution. For example, a group of scientists claim that Rocks Evolve, Too. The international team detailed their theory of…
Wow! It's that time of year already! That is, it's almost time for Observations of a Nerd to host the Carnival of Evolution! If you have a post you think deserves mention, feel free to submit it via this form. It doesn't have to be your own work - anything that catches your eye, let me know! I'm due to post it on Dec 1st, so get submitting! PS Happy 149th, The Origin of Species!
Carnival of Evolution #5 is up at The Other 95%! And, for those dedicated Nerd followers (the few elite that you are), my Fun With Evolution made the cut! The ever gracious Kevin Zelnio called it "the ultimate in geeky barroom debate" - thanks!