Brown-headed cowbirds cannot incubate their own eggs. Instead, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, who incubate them and raise the cowbird chicks as their own. According to a new study by Jeff Hoover of the Florida Museum of Natural History published in Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences the cowbirds have an interesting way of ensuring their offspring will be treated well: extortion.Feathers Bonmarito, a top earner amongst the cowbird capos...
After a cowbird lays her egg in another bird's nest, she returns frequently to check on the status of her chick. Hoover…
Friends say he was a good neighbor who mostly kept to himself...Gray Squirrel, Sciurus Carolinensis
A disgruntled squirrel stormed Evergreen Elementary School in San Jose, California and started biting anything in sight yesterday, injuring three people including two, 11-year old students and a teacher. The students who were preparing for a field trip made a costly error by leaving the outside-facing door to their classroom open, allowing the squirrel to infiltrate the unguarded facility.
The school does not have a high squirrel population nor a history of squirrel attacks, said Will Ector, a…