
Welcome Maryn McKenna and her blog Superbug to Sb! And, in case I forgot to mention it before, make sure to check out Deborah Blum's blog Speakeasy Science, too!Wildlife experts use civetone-containing cologne to lure big catsIn a scene reminiscent of the ending of Kingdom of the Spiders, caterpillars blanket the English countryside with webs.Coming soon, Inside Nature's Giants, series two.John Lynch shares the introduction to Follies of the Present Day: Scriptural Geology from 1817 to 1857.So you want to be a scientist? Learn to write!How to make a blockbuster - the creative process behind…
Next time I get down on you slack-jawed yokels in Texas, which could be any time, I don't want to hear any flack. No excuses. You can take my critique in the gut and live with it OR you can tell me to stuff it. But the latter is only an option if you get off your bovine Texas asses and do what you need to do. State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy, R-Bryan, faced searing questioning during his uncommonly long confirmation hearing Wednesday at the Senate Nominations Committee. And Chairman Mike Jackson, R-La Porte, said McLeroy's nomination is on shaky ground because he might not be…