dancing cockatoo

tags: snowball, dancing cockatoo, parrots, Cacatua galerita eleanora, interview Snowball, adult male Eleanora (medium sulfur-crested) cockatoo, Cacatua galerita eleanora. Image: courtesy of Bird Lovers Only [larger view]. I have been working behind the scenes for the opportunity to interview Irena, the woman who lives with the amazing Snowball, the dancing cockatoo. She recently indicated her willingness to be interviewed so I am going to share the fun with all of you, dear readers. I gave you one week to think of all those questions that you'd like to ask Irena about Snowball, and the…
tags: snowball, dancing cockatoo, parrots, Cacatua galerita eleanora, interview Snowball, adult male Eleanora (medium sulfur-crested) cockatoo, Cacatua galerita eleanora. Image: courtesy of Bird Lovers Only [larger view]. I have been working behind the scenes for the opportunity to interview Irena, the woman who lives with the amazing Snowball, the dancing cockatoo. She recently indicated her willingness to be interviewed so I am going to share the fun with all of you, dear readers. I will give you one week to think of all those questions that you'd like to ask Irena about Snowball, so…
tags: Dancing cockatoo, Little Corella cockatoo, Bare-eyed cockatoo, Cacatua pastinator, Frostie, Shake your Tailfeather, streaming video This streaming video documents a Bare-eyed (Little Corella) cockatoo, Cacatua pastinator, named Frostie, dancing to the song, "Shake Your Tailfeather" [2:42]