Doctor Who
As many of you know, I'm a big Doctor Who fan. Big enough that I've grabbed all of the episodes of the new series, and its spinoffs, via BitTorrent. (I also buy them on DVD as soon as they become available.) A few folks have asked me what I think of the spinoffs. And I'm sick at home, feeling like hell, not up to doing any work or any serious math writing. So I've been sitting around watching videos, which makes this the perfect time to tell you about what I think of them. I'll run through my opinions of the episodes of the third season of Doctor Who, the first season of Torchwood, and the…
Sadly, I won't be in London for 10 more days. Consequently, I'll be missing something really cool that'll be happening a mere couple of blocks down the street where I'm staying now:
I did, however, purchase a nice cast metal replica of the TARDIS at this shop, the Stamp Centre, which seems to carry a lot of science fiction stuff (particularly Doctor Who paraphernalia) as well as stamps. It's a bit of an odd combination, but it works. In any case, the TARDIS will grace either my desk or my bookshelf.
For those of you who live in London or who will be in London on September 10, though, you…
Like my friend and blogfather [Orac][orac], I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who, and I've been
greatly enjoying its renewed life in the new series on BBC. In fact, the current Doctor, played by David Tennant, has become my favorite of all of the Doctors - better than the
usual fan favorite of Tom Baker, better than my own former favorite, Jon Pertwee.
The reason why I'm such a fan of Tennant is that his Doctor combines many of the personality
traits of the past Doctors, while giving it his own unique spin. Tennant's Doctor has the
hands-on activity of Jon Pertwee, the exuberance of Peter Davison,…