Professor Wayne Vogl and colleagues at the University of British Columbia discovered that rorqual whales can gulp volumes of water that are bigger than their body. Nerves in the mouth and tongue make this amazing feat possible as they can actually stretch to twice their resting length without sustaining damage. Dr. Vogl was quote in CBC News saying, "The nerves that supply these remarkably expandable tissues in the floor of the mouth of rorqual whales ... are very stretchy, they're like bungee cords." This is unusual as the nerves of most vertebrate species have fixed lengths.
Depiction of a…
The cause of "angel wing", a deformity found in waterfowl such as ducks, geese and swans has been uncovered. Sadly, it is often caused by well-intended people feeding birds foods that are too high in proteins or carbohydrates (bread, crackers and popcorn anyone?). Not surprisingly, this condition mainly impacts birds that live in public areas. Because the deformed birds are unable to fly, thousands succumb every year to predators or inclement weather.
Conservationists suggest instead feeding the birds waterfowl feed, duck pellets, sliced seedless grapes, shredded swiss chard and romaine…