Fennec Fox

Yeah, yeah, I've done these little guys before. But come on - just watch the video. I dare you to claim that you are not overwhelmed by the Cute. HT Zooborns, again. Those guys kick some serious ass when it comes to finding the world's cutest animals
I don't really have an intro to these guys, as they're just too cute for words! They're baby fennec foxes, for those of you who aren't familiar with those large ears. The fennec fox lives in the Sahara desert, where they use those massive acoustic organs to both hear its prey from far away and cool off. It's nocturnal, and hunts rodents, insects and just about anything it can get its adorable little paws on. Interestingly, it's one of the only species of Fox that is able to be properly kept as a pet - just ask Jeff Corwin - but most areas require special exotic animal permits to do so. Of…