
"Education is a continual process, it's like a bicycle... If you don't pedal you don't go forward." -George Weah I don't know how many of you out there have an office day job, sitting hunched over at a desk for the better part of 8+ hours a day, but it's pretty well known that it's not only bad for you, but it feels bad to do, physically. Staying in one motionless position or posture for too long is the culprit, and Leo Kottke's music might make you want to get up and move if you have a listen to his song, Busted Bicycle. And while there are options out there for those of you with autonomy…
So it seems there is another advantage to owning a hybrid! It can double as an emergency generator in case of a blackout: WHERE WAS YOUR HYBRID WHEN THE LIGHTS WENT OUT? Ever been caught with no power in the midst of a winter storm and not have a generator? Well, if you have a hybrid, you may not need one. An enterprising Boston man hooked up his house to his Toyota Prius recently during a three-day-long power outage. The Boston Herald reports: "John Sweeney of Harvard, Mass., has provided a tantalizing glimpse of the future. ... Sweeney, an electrical engineer, told the Boston Business…