After, not before, you get to the hospital, I always say.
But seriously, Robert Martin, the famous primatologist, has an interesting piece in Psychology Today exploring this question. Go read it. I've got a few thoughts spurred by this research I'll list briefly here.
First, it seems that wild primates give birth during their daily down-time, the period of time that they are generally inactive. Dirunal primates do so more at night, nocturnal primates do so more during the day. Various reasons have been proposed. I've not read the primary literature on this, but in my ignorance I wanted to…
giving birth
Ta-Nehisi Coates at The Atlantic blogs: On Labor ("My son is the joy of my life. But the work of ushering him into the world nearly killed his mother.")
Scicurious at Neurotic Physiology: Dieting, Stress, and the Changing Brain.
Robert Reich's Blog at the Christian Science Monitor: US Chamber of Commerce: Obama makes a bargain
Jon R. Luoma at Yale Environment 360: Why Does Energy Efficiency's Promise Remain Unfulfilled?
Alice Bell at The Guardian's Notes & Theories blog: Sexual discrimination against women in science may be institutional -- and also one of the pieces she links to, Kathy…