Holiday Specials

The South is a great place to spend Thanksgiving. There's pecan pie and fried ocra, green-bean casserole, and ham AND a turkey, and lots and lots of gracious hospitality. Except for my parents, my entire extended family lives in the epicenter of small-town Florida, surrounded by the orange groves they depended on for their livlihood. This isn't the flashy beachfront Florida glorified in "CSI" or the plastic touristy Florida disdained by everyone who's been to Orlando and thinks they "know" Florida. My parents were highschool sweethearts in that same small town, and when they go back, they…
Halloween has been branded satanic by some, but those of us who have all our marbles know that its just spooky fun revolving around old legends and trappings of fall. As a kid I loved watching "The Great Pumpkin" episode of Peanuts that was ubiquitous around this time of the year. It never got old, never got stale. But here are some real great pumpkins. Think there's no evidence for ghosts? Think again! Why, in fact just last year the Met in New York hosted an exhibition of "spirit photography." 19th century photographer William H. Mumler convinced many people of the existence of ghosts…