
Posts by this author
June 24, 2008
Hi everyone, thought I'd drop by and say hello and remind ScienceBlogs (as well as myself) that I do still exist beyond the lab, and have not yet degenerated into a shadowy specter capable only of writing up data in the bowels of the University of Michigan. I have gotten very pale though, so that…
May 21, 2008
Hi folks. Before you all fall out of your chairs that I am, yes, in fact, blogging, just check out this gem of a story that lured me from the bowels of the UM medical complex. Apparently an African Grey parrot in Japan, a Mr. Yosuke Nakamura, recited his name and address to a vet after he was…
April 22, 2008
Cristiana Senni from World Parrots Trust just let me know that their organization has uploaded several movies to YouTube of African Grey parrots in the wild. I live with a Grey, and was absolutely amazed at their vocalizations and behaviors--pretty much exactly like Pepper. Reminds me that while…
April 21, 2008
The Dalai Lama has been making appearances and giving talks in the US, with his most recent talk at the University of Michigan (where I am) yesterday. Although I was unable to attend the actual talk, since the tickets were sold out within an hour of going on sale, his appearance was videotaped and…
April 18, 2008
Well folks, sorry I've been so AWOL around here lately. Lets just say there's been a lot of long hours in the basement with the confocal microscope, and I've also been in charge of organizing the U of M Neuroscience Spring Symposium, which is next week. I'm super-excited about the three visiting…
April 9, 2008
Something to think about next time those vanity pangs hit (Mac-users, I'm looking at you): new research published in the April 2nd Journal of Neuroscience reports that botulium (the toxin in the popular cosmetic Botox injections) can reach the nervous system when injected into the facial muscles…
March 29, 2008
There are some things I consider news, and some things I just consider "well, duh." File this study, which reported that high school students don't care that loud music damages their hearing, under the second category. Kids These Days (tm) have been listening to loud music as long as their has…
March 28, 2008
Being a (very) recent convert to the World of Mac, it is with great interest that I read a provocative report by Mindset Media comparing the behavior of Mac-owners vs. PC-owners--specifically, who was snobbier? Mindset surveyed 7500 Mac and PC-owners and found that Mac users were more self-…
March 27, 2008
As I chug along on my thesis and manuscript-writing, I'm often reminded what it means to "see your name in print." There's something about that feeling of being responsible, in front of the world, for your words and thoughts. However, not all first publications are of strictly scientific merit,…
March 26, 2008
As noted in the sidebar here, I'm at the University of Michigan, involved in hearing research. So, I was so thrilled when it was brought to my attention that research from our institute, on the topic of cochlear implants, was being mentioned in this month's 'Economist' magazine! The article is a…
March 18, 2008
I once had a conversation with a doctor about Gulf War Syndrome (GWS). They said,"Its frustrating to treat something that you can't describe and that has no definite cause." However, the numbers of affected soldiers, coming back to the US after the first Gulf War with a bevy of mysterious chronic…
March 17, 2008
Bats are sneaky, silent, and stealthy...so why shouldn't they be spies? Engineers at the University of Michigan are currently developing a six-inch, robotic spying device modeled after a bat that could gather data via an embedded camera and send back data in real time.
Forget Ceiling Cat! Sneaky…
March 16, 2008
American news-watchers are so jaded as to the lack of objectivity in the news and media, that we rarely ever take any story or quote at face-value (and I doubt this is limited to America). We have become ingrained with the idea that some media outlets are overly-liberal, singing the praises of the…
March 13, 2008
Pepper has brought to my attention a noteworthy event. This is the first LOLAfricanGrey I've seen on the front page of ICanHasCheezburger!
March 12, 2008
We've all been to some *bad* science presentations over the years. Heck, I think I've given a few. No more! This 6 minute video (by 2 UM students) points out some common issues with Powerpointing and how to have your audience salivating for more of your data.
From the author:
I think there…
March 12, 2008
It is well accepted that there are a few components to Alzheimer's risk: age (risk increases in old age), environment (severe head trauma, high cholesterol, obesity, or some drugs may increase risk), and genetics. A recent study published in the Archives of Neurology has contributed new evidence…
March 10, 2008
Not that I worry much what the Pope thinks of me these days, but I was a bit startled to see that him list a brand-spankin'-new sin: performing genetic manipulations.
When asked to list the new areas of sinful behavior, Girotti denounced "certain violations of the fundamental rights of human…
March 10, 2008
The Beijing Olympics are not too far away, and an iconic part of the preparation for the 'Games' is the passing of the Olympic torch. As part of the official torch relay, the flame will be taken up Mt. Everest--it will be carried up the southern side of Everest in Nepal and back down the north…
March 7, 2008
In response to Steve's post about what clinical psychologists do, I just had to post this hilarious video about what anesthetists do while a patient is sleeping by the Amateur Transplants. The group is composed by two humorous (and real) doctors who I'd rather see on the other side of a microphone…
March 7, 2008
According to this life expectancy calculator, I should plan on living to 102 years old---a result of quite a lot of factors, including the fact that my family is particularly long-lived and cancer-free. Not sure I buy into these types of calculator (but they are morbid fun), but the general topic…
March 5, 2008
At the beginning of my adventures in blogging (circa 2006) I wrote a short piece for the news site "Mixeye" about the drug fentanyl, and was reminded of it after having a discussion about the drug with some friends. Fentanyl is an extremely potent painkiller, which has unsurprisingly led to its…
March 4, 2008
Looking outside my window, across the snow-cover vista otherwise known as Ann Arbor, it amazes me that anything can live (or, even thrive) in such a frozen environment. Since I was a kid I was fascinated with animals, such as the snowshoe hare, that can change the color of their fur from brown in…
March 3, 2008
A few weeks ago Andrew from Zooillogix suggested that we jointly interview entomologist Justin O. Schmidt, creator of the infamous 'Schmidt Pain Index.' Both Andrew and I had found the index fascinating since it cataloged in (literally) excruciating detail the subjective feeling of being stung by…
March 3, 2008
Welcome to the birth of a new blog, with Steve and I as the happy and glowing parents! Despite the labor pains and the fears that it wouldn't be perfectly normal, we've decided to love it anyway and do our best to raise it into a healthy, dysfucntional adult.
The idea for "Of Two Minds" began…
March 2, 2008
Retrospectacle has been a wonderful hobby and outlet for my writing for almost three years. I started writing at Blogspot for a few reasons- to critically report science news, to convert the tomes of science to layperson-speak, to attempt to educate and entertain myself as well as my audience (…
February 14, 2008
A Valentine to all Scienceblogs readers, from Pepper!
(Thanks to Aaron for the picture!)
February 11, 2008
Ok, ok, I know I'm supposed to be on hiatus here. But how could I resist posting this adorable plush neuron? Waaaaay better than a teddy bear, in my opinion.
I must resist the urge to make cuddly neural nets out of dozens of them...
via ModCloth (and Giant Microbes)
February 10, 2008
As you all know, Steve and I are merging blogs into the aptly-named 'Of Two Minds' blog. We're going live on March 1st, and since we have a lot of work to do to get it ready and pretty (new banners in the works!) I decided to go on blogging hiatus here a few weeks early. Plus, I'm heading to…
February 6, 2008
Sound can have very powerful effects on people, but can it really get you high? Thats what makers of the application I-Doser would have you believe---or specifically, that different 'biaural beats' can mimic the effects of alcohol, cocaine, heroin and other drugs (although, legally and harmlessly…
February 5, 2008
As you all know by now, Steve and I are merging blogs (starting March 1) and asked all of your to come up with some most excellent ideas for names.
Well, after much gnashing of teeth we finally settled on "Of Two Minds" as our final answer. A close second was "Viva Las Vagus" but as PZ correctly…