Kim Stagliano've received some well-deserved recognition!
I can't think of a more deserving up-and-coming antivaccine activist to be inducted into this most "prestigious" of groups of American Loons! I've written about Stagliano's science- and logic-challenged posts many times over the last few years, but it's good to see that others have noticed as well. From the citation:
Diagnosis: Ignorant, ardent loon who are on the verge of taking the anti-vaxx movement well into TimeCube territory. The fact that she is unable to avoid a fallacy in every other sentence she writes should not be taken to…
I realize I complain periodically about when I get into what seems to me to be a rut in which I'm writing pretty much only about anti-vaccine lunacy. This is just such a week, when the news on the vaccine front has been coming fast and furious, first with Andrew Wakefield's being found to have behaved unethically and dishonestly by the British General Medical Council, only to be followed up a few days later with the news that the editors of The Lancet had retracted his 1998 paper, the paper that started the MMR scare in the U.K. and launched a thousand autism quacks. Meanwhile, the cranks…