I came across this video on YouTube of what must be the most huggable kitty:
Charlotte yawns before washing herself, although, on the other hand, she does look like she could be laughing. Lol.
What's Halloween with black cats? While the superstitious may dread a black cat crossing their paths, I live with one that follows me into the bathroom every morning to watch me shave (I don't know what she finds so interesting about it). Her name is Charlotte, and even though my wife and I adopted her one year ago this month as a kitten she hasn't gotten much larger than she was when we first brought her home. Indeed, she's so adorable that she gets away with nearly everything, often pawing at my pants legs whenever I open the fridge in the hopes that she'll soon be receiving a slice of…
I'm sure any cat owner will get a laugh out of this (I have 3 at the moment, so it's even a little worse than in the video...);
[Hat-tip to GrrlScientist]
Cougars (Puma concolor), while currently ranging from Canada to the Andes Mountains in South America, still inhabit only part of their former range. Before European colonization, the big cats ranged from coast-to-coast in the U.S., the eastern populations being wiped out with the exception of a small population in Florida. Some have suggested that the cats may eventually make a comeback and reclaim their previous ranges, potential sightings popping up every now and again in Pennsylvania and other states, but by and large if you want to see a cougar and live on the east coast of the U.S. you…