
Hikers at Purmamarca Bits and pieces of landscapes, northern Argentina, March 2009. El Palmar National Park Cardon cactus, Amaicha del Valle Termas de Reyes, Jujuy Copina, Córdoba Soybeans, ad infinitum Purmamarca market Purmamarca market Purmamarca Infiernillos, Tucuman high desert, after late summer rains On the road
The visit of Australian friends a couple weeks ago provided an excuse to go photograph Arizona's most famous landmark. Appearances aside, the Grand Canyon is not an easy subject. Most shots appear flat in comparison to real-time views, failing to capture the canyon's immense depths or the enormity of the open space. This is true of much landscape photography, and I've come to respect the people who are good at it. Our trip had the additional challenge of a perfectly clear day. Blue sky sounds nice in the abstract, but a lack of clouds means a boring sky and hopelessly bottom-heavy…