Liblog Landscape
In the past few days, one of the best libloggers called it quits: She explicitly said there won't be any more posts on that blog.
By itself, while it's noteworthy, I probably wouldn't post about it. The writer isn't going away, the archives aren't going away, and the circumstances may be unusual.
But there's a context that might be worth discussing and pursuing further--actually two contexts, one only marginally related.
Direct context
One comment on this shutdown said that, according to the writer and a colleague, this particular blog was the only consistent liblog around (not in those…
Angel Rivera was kind enough, in commenting on my previous post, to say "Yes, what you do is information science."
I wonder sometimes--both about the field called "information science" and about whether what I do fits within it.
A snarky way to put this might be:
Can you do information science if you're not part of academia?
Can it be information science if it doesn't appear in the form of proper scholarly articles in proper refereed journals?
Not that I haven't had articles in refereed journals. I have--not many, but a few.
But most of what I'd call research, particularly in the past…