Life in Germany

tags: cultural observation, expat life, Life in Germany, Brot, bread Brot-Shop. Nordwestzentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 20 March 2010 [larger view] One of the things that I cannot seem to ever get used to in Germany is the Brot (bread). Especially when compared to American-made bread, which is universally horrible and often disgusting, German Brot is simply amazing. I have spent these past few months trying to identify which type of Brot is my favorite, but they all are so wonderful that my favorite is usually the one I am eating at that very moment. All of the…
tags: cultural observation, expat life, Life in Germany, Apotheken, Drogerien Expats, immigrants, and people who travel internationally often are impressed with differences between their home country and the country they are visiting or living in. I thought I'd write about some of the daily features of my life in Germany that are different from my former life in Seattle and in NYC; sometimes amusing, other times annoying. If you also have similar experiences, I'd sure like to read about your experiences and observations in the comments thread. Because I only recently found a "drug store," I'…