Lotsa Links
Here's some good links from the weekend. First, the sciency stuff:
Radiolytically produced hydrogen gas powers subsurface microbial ecosystems.
Coturnix links to three good posts about antibiotics
In light of the discussion by my fellow ScienceBloglings about the state of scientific journalism, it's interesting to see what Cent Uygur thinks is wrong with political reporting (hint: it's not the reporters, it's the editors).
When it comes to vaccination breakthroughs, read the fine print.
From our own Benevolent Seed Overlords, an article about another fish/amphibian transitional fossil.…
Here's some sciency and non-sciency links for you.
First, some sciency stuff:
Moon snails. 'Nuff said.
The ecological genomics of Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera.
A post of mine about antibiotic resistance.
Most E. coli aren't bad for you.
Other stuff:
A piece by Joe Conanson on "The Jersey Hustler", former governor Thomas Kean. Apparently, he not only plays fast and loose with the facts surrounding Sept. 11th, but also his fiduciary responsibilities as a director of a publicly-held company.
Freedom is on the march in Pakistan, particularly if you murder American journalists. Just…
Here's some interesting links I've stumbled across this weekend:
A very interesting interview about working mothers.
Media Matters asks some very good questions about the War on Terror
I always knew that being on a kick-ass ultimate frisbee team was good for my undergraduate university.
A must-read piece by an advertising executive on how the Republicans win elections.
David Sirota describes how a Democratic Congress could still be a parliament of whores, if we're not careful.
The moral and psychological implications of not backing up your hard disk.
This article about Pat Tillman will break…
Merry Labor Day! Gut Yontif! Here's a whole bunch of Labor Day links for you:
Thomas Frank lays out a new direction for the Democratic Party.
ScienceBlog's very own Ed Brayton has a good post on FISA and hypocrisy.
Razib has a nice treatment of effective population size
Some commentary on Keith Olbermann's editorial about Donald Rumsfeld.
David Sirota describes how the Republican-sponsored bankruptcy bill is screwing our GIs.
"A liberal walks into a bar..."
Orcinus discusses how utter disrespect for the law isn't limited to crazy "Freemen" anymore.
Some possible Democratic strategies.…
Here's some links for you:
The housing crisis, as in people can't afford housing, has hit the 'burbs
A security expert explodes the idea that terrorism is a serious threat. Very provocative.
A good post about the historical roots of the Holocaust.
A stunning and revealing interview with a Republican chickenhawk. Wars are for the little people.
Jesus' General has a nice photo essay on the same subject.
Lindsay invents a new term: hugmeat.
Kung Fu Monkey discusses, in far too much detail, the Underoos of Righteousness.
Also, from Kung Fu Monkey, a great old post about terrorism. Apparently…
Here's some Sunday reading for you:
Athenae at First Draft argues that those "taken in by Bush's blather would have to admit they wanted to feel good about themselves more than they wanted 2,500 American soldiers to live." A must read.
Over at mahablog, there's a great post about profilling and terrorism-related hyperventilation.
Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone on Joe Lieberman: "People are tired of being told who can and cannot win. As it turns out, they get to decide that for themselves."
Matt Stoller explains why the Lamont-Lieberman race matters.
Devilstower at Political Cortex makes some…