mastodon skull

tags: creationism, mastodon skull, Mt Blanco Fossil Museum, fossils The Mount Blanco creationist "museum" in Crosbyton, Texas managed to raise the funds to save their facility from extinction by selling their 40,000 year old mastodon skull at auction. The skull, named "Lone Star", was estimated to be worth $160,000 and sold for $191,200. The "museum", which claims that humans and dinosaurs co-existed and that the universe, the earth and everything on it were created six thousand years ago, will use these funds to continue spreading lies to the public regarding the nature and origins of life…
tags: creationism, mastodon skull, Mt Blanco Fossil Museum, fossils The volkswagon-sized Mastodon skull, which the museum named "Lone Star," is thought to be the largest four-tusk mastodon skull ever found. It was discovered near La Grange, Texas, and was sold in 2004 to Joe Taylor, owner and curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum. A creationist "museum" in Crosbyton, Texas is in dire financial straits so they are going to put a mastodon skull up for auction tomorrow. The skull is estimated to be worth $160,000 or more, and should help the "museum" to keep its doors open a little longer…