
Only In It For The Gold: Neither Optimist nor Pessimist, Just Activist. "We must stop treating the natural world as something to exploit, and start realizing that it is our home. If we do that, we can thrive."
This was an ask stoat question, and probably a fairly easy one, so I'll have a go. First of all, what is it? AF (ie, Airbo(u)rne Fraction, is the proportion of human emitted CO2 that stays in the atmosphere, the rest being sunk in land or ocean. Now it is important not to confuse the "proportion that stays in the atmosphere" with "the concentration in the atmosphere" otherwise you get silly little skeptics running around thinking that "airbourne fraction is constant" means that CO2 has stopped increasing. Sigh. However, I see that last time I looked at this I was having to slap down the…