tags: Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz
[Mystery bird] Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus, photographed at Quintana Neotropical Bird Sanctuary, Brazoria County, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours]
Image: Joseph Kennedy, 27 April 2010 [larger view].
Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope with TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/750s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400.
Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification.
Review all mystery birds to date.
Numenius phaeopus
tags: Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus, birds, nature, Image of the Day
Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus at Bolivar Flats, Texas.
Image: Joseph Kennedy, 2 July 2008 [larger view].
Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope with TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/1000s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400.
tags: Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus, birds, nature, Image of the Day
I love shorebirds, and I miss seeing them every year. Besides being beautiful to look at and fascinating to watch, shorebirds remind me of my travels to Japan, where I saw 17 new species of birds (all shorebirds, and all in breeding plumage) in ONE DAY! Needless to say, I nearly died from joy on that particular day. When I lived in Seattle, I also spent a tremendous amount of time birding at a variety of shorelines from British Columbia all the way down through California, and I also regularly visited several migrating long-…