Office for Science and Society
Homeopaths are funny.
Really, that's the best description of them that I can think of right now. And I don't mean "funny ha-ha," either. An example of this popped up over the weekend in an attack on Dr. Joe Schwarcz of McGill University's Office for Science and Society. "Dr. Joe," as he likes to be called, is a chemist and a skeptic, with his own radio show on Montreal's CJAD every Sunday afternoon (which, by the way, I've appeared on a couple of times over the last three or four years). He's been deconstructing pseudoscience and alternative medicine claims for a lot longer than I have; so he…
He's known to his students and fans simply as "Dr. Joe," but then Joe Schwarcz, professor of chemistry, has always kept things light, uncomplicated and a little magical, especially when pursuing his challenging goal: demystifying science for young learners and the public.
Joe has created a multi-faceted career in using his skill as a chemical scientist, magician, author, broadcaster, food expert and motivational speaker in communicating science to others in very interesting ways. This includes his role as Director of the Office for Science and Society at McGill University in Montreal, Canada…