Open Lab 2007

Because I am one of the contributors, I will not review this book. However, I know that some of you may wish to review it and I also know that a few more of you might wish to actually purchase a copy just so you can read it! If so, you can go here to purchase your very own copy. The rumor is that Nature is reviewing this book, and I know that Amazon will be listing this book for sale soon (remember; I get a 1% "reward" on total sales for every Amazon purchase that you make through my blog, at no cost to you). I will update you with the Amazon link to the book after it is available.
tags: books, Open Laboratory I just wanted to let you know that the book, Open Laboratory 2007: The Best Science Blog Writing of 2007 is now in production, and one of my submissions will be included in the book. So, to give you a synposis of the book, the two main editors, Reed and Coturnix chose the top 70 or so submissions (out of 486!), according to the judges' ratings. After that, they tried to cut the list down to 50 (+2; one poem and one cartoon) -- a task that they found to be much more difficult. After much discussion, they decided to include 51 essays, one poem and one cartoon. As…
tags: Open Lab 2007, blog books You might remember that one of my essays from 2006 was included in the book, Open Lab 2006. I was lucky because the editor of the book submitted my essay for me, and the judges seemed to like it enough to include it in the final book. Yea, me. Well, this year, I am on my own, except for your suggestions and support, so I would appreciate it if you would submit an essay I've written to this year's edition of Open Lab. They have 450 submissions so far, and out of those, they will select only 50 -- one per blog -- to be in the final book. GAH! That means that my…