Open Laboratory 2007: I'm In!

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I just wanted to let you know that the book, Open Laboratory 2007: The Best Science Blog Writing of 2007 is now in production, and one of my submissions will be included in the book.

So, to give you a synposis of the book, the two main editors, Reed and Coturnix chose the top 70 or so submissions (out of 486!), according to the judges' ratings. After that, they tried to cut the list down to 50 (+2; one poem and one cartoon) -- a task that they found to be much more difficult. After much discussion, they decided to include 51 essays, one poem and one cartoon. As you might have guessed, ScienceBloggers dominate the contributors (because Seed chose their blog writers well in the first place) with 20 essays coming from us, but more than half of the contributions came from outside of ScienceBlogs, so you will be introduced to a bunch of new science blogs by reading this book! Unfortunately, there are only 14 or 15 female authors included in this book (only 4 from ScienceBlogs?? That's what it looks like after my first scan through the list), so there is still a lot of work that needs to be done to improve the presence of women in this publication.

OpenLab2007 will be sold through Amazon and some bookstores, and all proceeds from the sale of this book will be used to fund the annual Science Bloggers' conference in North Carolina -- a conference that I've never attended, might I add.

Oh, so you are asking, which of my essays made it into the book? All my birdie pals will be happy because this is the chosen one.

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It looks like I was a day early on my praise for getting published and now if I do it again, I'll look like a great big suck up.

Seriously, congratulations. This particular essay is very good and one I have repeated and recommended to many.

By carolyn13 (not verified) on 02 Jan 2008 #permalink