
Fred Pearce is going down the David Rose road publishing fabricated quotes. Gavin Schmidt in a letter to New Scientist (so far unpublished there) writes: In the piece entitled "Climate sceptics and scientists attempt peace deal" Fred Pearce includes a statement about me that is patently untrue. "But the leaders of mainstream climate science turned down the gig, including NASA's Gavin Schmidt, who said the science was settled so there was nothing to discuss." This is completely made up. My decision not to accept the invitation to this meeting was based entirely on the organiser's initial…
Thingsbreak finds some value in a New Scientist "He said, she said" story by Fred Pearce on the dreadful McLean et al paper (you know, the one that removed the long term trend and then made much of the fact that after you did that CO2 had little effect on temperatures): This article should be held up as a model for how reporting should not be done. I agree. Also in New Scientist, Chris Mooney reviews Fred Pearce's book about the emails stolen from CRU: Some scientists faulted the Guardian series when it appeared, and similar objections apply to this book. Pearce (who is a consultant for New…
The House of Commons report on the emails stolen from CRU has vindicated Phil Jones -- he has "no case to answer": The focus on Professor Jones and CRU has been largely misplaced. On the accusations relating to Professor Jones's refusal to share raw data and computer codes, we consider that his actions were in line with common practice in the climate science community. We have suggested that the community consider becoming more transparent by publishing raw data and detailed methodologies. On accusations relating to Freedom of Information, we consider that much of the responsibility should…