police violence
A few of the recent pieces I recommend reading:
Larissa MacFarquhar in the New Yorker: When Should a Child Be Taken from His Parents?
Brian Rinker at STAT: 32 churches and no methadone clinic: struggling with addiction in an opioid ‘treatment desert’
Renee Bracey Sherman in the New York Times: The Right to (Black) Life
Brianna Ehley at Politico: ‘I just started flowing. It was the only thing that helped.’In tough neighborhoods, can high-school mental health counselors cut the school-to-prison pipeline?
Yamiche Alcindor in the New York Times: In Sweltering South, Climate Change Is Now a…
The American Public Health Association (APHA) adopted 11 new policy statements which will guide its work in the coming years. They include:
Raising the minimum wage: The policy calls on states to increase their minimum wage, index the minimum wage to inflation, and prohibit state-government preemption of municipal minimum wage policies. Among other things, the new APHA policy also recommends research on the effects of living wages on public assistance budgets.
Reducing exposure to highly fluorinated chemicals: The policy calls on Congress to fund research on alternatives to perfluoroalkyl and…