ruff ruffman
I have already indirectly talked about this before, but I see it more and more. Say you have a show. It has to be more than entertaining, it has to educational. How do you make things educational? Describe the physics behind the concepts - right? Fine. How do you explain stuff? It's simple. Just make some diagrams with arrows. Be sure to use words like "force", "velocity", "acceleration". You know, physicsy words. Everything will be fine.
Everything will not be fine. First, I love MythBusters. They are awesome. I know they are not scientists, and that is maybe why I like them.…
Tom and Jerry, or Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman?
Answer: Tom and Jerry.
What? Yes. The reason: Tom and Jerry has bad physics but does not pretend like it has good physics. I know this is probably going to "type-cast" me as "that guy that keeps attacking Ruff Ruffman." Soon to be followed by "Leave Ruff ALONE!" I am sorry, I can't help it. Here is my problem. If you are going be a show, do whatever you like (I might still make some comments). If you are going to be a show that attempts to teach some stuff, don't you think you should get it correct or at least not reinforce bad ideas?
Dear Ruff Ruffman,
My kids really like your show. However, there is a problem. You promote it like it is science, but the content keeps having mistakes in it. Previously, I pointed out your mistake about in infrared thermometer (if can't remember, you said the thermometer measures the temperature with a laser. In fact, the laser is just used to aim.)
So, you see, I don't just like to randomly attack people. The problem is that you are saying "hey look at science" but your science is wrong. I suggest you either a) stop pretending to be a science show or b) get a science advisor (I am…
I am sorry to point this out, but I can't help it. My kids watch this show "Fetch with Ruff Ruffman". It's mostly an ok kids show. However, there was a problem. In one episode, some kids were in the desert and measuring temperature with (they said it several times and it was even a quiz question at the end) - a LASER. Here is the device they used:

This is an infrared thermometer with a LASER aiming system. The laser is only there to help you aim. The temperature is determined by measuring the infrared…