
My dad passed away on June 21st at 1:28 pm. I haven't posted anything about it yet because I had to take some time to clear my head. Part of my sporadic posting has been due in large part to his health issues, as he has been steadily spiraling downward in his battle with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for the last few months. So as I've been bouncing back and forth halfway across the country for a while now, well, blogging just hasn't been of much interest to me. I'll try to rectify that in the near future. I drove home the weekend before to see him and scarcely got back to my apartment before I…
It has come to my attention that Kurt Vonnegut has passed away. His death was reported by Morgan Entrekin, a longtime family friend, who said Vonnegut suffered brain injuries as a result of a fall several weeks ago. I need not delve into Vonnegut's literary exploits. Suffice to say he led an amazing, full life and reflected that in his writings, where his compassion for the human race was colored with poignant dark humor. Few authors today can claim to have had such an enormous impact crossing so many generations and cultural themes. Sleep well, Mr. Vonnegut. "We are healthy only to the…