Skilled Labor
Under the theme of "Start Your Journey," Caterpillar, as a major Festival sponsor and leader in STEM and skilled trades, is set to wow audiences at the Expo this month with a dynamic array of interactive exhibits and presentations designed to demonstrate the breadth of opportunities that exist at Caterpillar and Cat Dealerships around the country in STEM-related frontiers and career paths.
Says Gwenne Henricks, Caterpillar's Vice President of Product Development & Global Technology & Chief Technology Officer: "We want attendees to leave with the impression that Caterpillar is an…
A big thanks to Mike Rowe for taking time out of his very busy schedule to share his enthusiasm for the USA Science & Engineering Festival!
Mike Rowe will give a keynote address and host a panel discussion at the Expo surrounding the topics of skilled trades/alternative education and STEM. Mike will also host the first ever mikeroweWORKS Pavilion at the Festival, aimed at inspiring students interested in pursuing a skilled trade!