My summer road trip took me through the scenic State of Oklahoma. As I drove heading north through the Sooner country, billboards line I-35. They didn't advertise restaurants, gas stations, insurance firms or country stores. Billboard after billboard promoted one or more casinos in the State. I wondered how it was possible for a rather sparsely populated locale could support what seemed like dozens of casinos. One particular billboard caught my eye. It read: "The only smoke-free casino in Oklahoma."
There are 94 casinos in Oklahoma owned by 33 tribes. Gaming is the second largest…
smoking ban
Last September Jonathan Leake wrote a story Heart attacks plummet after smoking ban in which he stated:
The ban on public smoking has caused a fall in heart attack rates of about 10%, a study has found. ...
The research into heart attack rates in England is being led by Anna Gilmore of Bath University. "There is already overwhelming evidence that reducing people's exposure to cigarette smoke reduces hospital admissions due to heart attacks," she said.
Gilmore's research is incomplete and she emphasises the final results for England will not be published for several months.
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