
The placebo effect - the phenomenon where fake medicines sometimes work if a patient believes that they should - is a boon to quacks the world over. Why it happens is still a medical mystery but thanks to a new study, we have confirmation that the spine is involved. Frank Eippert from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf used a technique caled functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to scan the backbones of volunteers as they experienced the placebo effect. Eippert heated the recruits' forearms to the point of pain and he gave them cream to soothe the sting. The creams were…
Stop wastin' my time. You know what I want. You know what I need, or maybe you don't. Do I have to come right flat out and tell you everything? Gimme some money! My fellow Americans, are you impatient about getting your "stimulus package" from the government? First off, a lot of people are going to be getting $300 instead of $600; and I gotta now right now! So go here to have the IRS calculate how much money you're getting first. Then, you'll probably want to know when you're going to get your money! This is important stuff, people; we rarely get benefits just for being working Americans,…