tags: Trumpeter Swan, Cygnus buccinator, Trumpeter Swan Restoration Project, conservation, endangered species, Harry Lumsden, Beverly Kingdon, Ray Kingdon, streaming video
Thanks to the efforts of volunteers with the Trumpeter Swan Restoration project, the endangered Trumpeter Swan, Cygnus buccinator, population in Ontario, Canada now numbers over 1,000. This video shows the three species of swan on Swan Lake, and shows how the birds are tagged so they can be individually tracked. Long time volunteers Harry Lumsden, Beverly and Ray Kingdon feed the swans at Lasalle Park in Burlington.
Swan Lake
tags: Swan Lake, acrobats, ballet, streaming video
I love ballet, especially Swan Lake, but this rendition with Chinese ballet dancers who are also very accomplished acrobats is simply beyond description. Perhaps the most impressive moment is when the prima ballerina is on pointe on her partner's head! [7:21].