
Or, Timmy in the Torygraph. Its a bit broken I'm afraid, though it manages to get some obvious things right. But before I start on the actual matter, we need to sweep away some of the dross. It starts Perhaps we can sit down and discuss this climate change thing like the adults we are? Put the Delingpoles over here, the vilenesses that are Greenpeace... and the problem - repeated elsewhere - is the pretence of equal treatment of the two "extremes" whilst actually clearly favouring one side. The bias continues in the treatment of climate sensitivity, though for something appearing in the…
What is it about GW that brings out such levels of stupidity in so many people? Lets start with the easy bit. There's a paper Impacts of wind farms on land surface temperature by Zhou et al.. It isn't very exciting, but it made into Nature Climate Change, probably because of the inevitable stupidity it would arouse. What it says is Our results show a significant warming trend of up to 0.72â°C per decade, particularly at night-time, over wind farms relative to nearby non-wind-farm regions. This isn't ironic or even particularly surprising: the effect is due to mixing down of warmer air on…
My morning blog-reading threw up Well, no Mr. Chakrabortty, no wherein Timmy is characteristically blunt about the failings of politicians. You don't have to agree, this is only the lead-in to my own view. The problem with Timmy's analysis is that no, most politicians aren't idiots, they are quite clever. Or at least some of them. But they do stuff up a lot of things very badly. So I'll put up my own view, which is more Darwinistic: you should do what you're good at, and free competition will select those who get it right. In an idealised free market this happens for businesses: those that…