Young Earth Creationism

Creationism is, it appears, a profitable business. Jim Lippard has a nice piece on Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham's young earth organization. Seems that in 2004, AiG had a total revenue of $10,423,222. Ham himself had a salary of $121,764, with $6,887 in benefits and $63,808 in expenses. Similarly, the Institute for Creation Research had a revenue of $4,341,000 and claims to have spent $2,382,920 on "research in the field of biblical creation". John Morris, as president, made $74,915. Indeed, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education, both Ham and Morris are doing very nicely compared to…
Via Red State Rabble: "These evolutionists are saying that Jesus was half-chimpanzee, so was Mohammed and Buddha," said Alan Detrich, a 58-year-old Lawrence Republican who takes classes at Kansas University. "I dont think thats right." In this story, Detrich gives us the minimalist version of Paley’s watchmaker argument: The question is the story of the rock and the clock. If you find a rock in a field, no big deal. If you find a clock in a field, you look around for who created it. Did we just appear like the rock? Or did it take intelligent design to make us? I think it took intelligent…