
The Energy Department is doing a major policy analysis of energy policy and future directions. Obviously, the major issue has to be finding ways to reduce our reliance on petroleum, especially from foreign sources, and replacing it with renewable domestic sources.

Who, then, do you expect was picked to head up the panel writing this report? The question is not who you would choose, but who you expect was chosen by the administration that put a Safari Club member in charge of our wild lands.

If you guessed Lee Raymond, former CEO of ExxonMobil, then congratulations, you understand the craven attitude to public policy that drives the Bush White House. The study will be undertaken by the National Petroleum Council, which Mr. Raymond chairs.

ExxposeExxon has some nice background on Mr. Raymond's history of obfuscation. They also have a petition you can sign, asking for a more serious choice for this important process.

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