TPM and TPM Muckraker have been following the story of illegal calls being made by the NRCC to try to smear Democratic candidates. The plan seems to be to call, say "I'm calling with information about Democrat X," and then either hang up and call back right away, or just make some negative comment. In violation of federal law, the calls fail to identify who paid for them at the beginning, and in some cases have reached people on no call lists, making it doubly illegal.
Nancy Boyda's campaign is reporting that similar calls are being made in the Kansas 2nd. We've discussed similar calls being made on Phill Kline's behalf, and it sounds like the MO is the same for the Boyda calls.
Whether or not these are the same NRCC calls is unclear. TPM Muckraker has figured out who the NRCC was paying to make these calls, and which races those expenditures were made for, and the Kansas race isn't on that list.
If you got one of these calls, please send a recording to me, or to the Topeka Capital Journal.
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