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With Kris Kobach's return to Kansas politics, the anonymous Kriswatchers have returned as well.

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You remember Kris Kobach, right? Once a Congressional candidate with ties to white supremacists, before that a Justice Department staffer on a since-abandoned racial profiling scheme, after which he bankrupted the Kansas Republican Party, and is lately famous for authoring Arizona's "show me your…
Kansas State GOP Chairman Kris Kobach is a busy man. He's running around the country, trying to keep children some who've graduated from public high schools in a given state from getting in-state tuition at public universities. He's also been working hard to make sure the state Party spends more…
First, the good news for Kansas from Tuesday's election. Janet Waugh defeated a strong opponent in the Kansas Board of Education race, retaining her seat and protecting the pro-evolution majority. That's it. Sam Brownback is now the Governor. The theocratic, Jew-baiting, creationist, manimal-…
I've been fairly negative about the way that Richard Dawkins approaches the relationship between science, atheism and theism. Rather than just being negative, I'd like to offer a positive defense of my view on the issue. Two years ago, when Thoughts from Kansas was an unknown hovel by the side of…