The WSJ is biased: film at 11

Via Mousie Cat, we learn that Monkey Girl author Ed Humes has a bone to pick with the Wall Street Journal. Humes book has received high praise for its coverage of the Dover trial, even earning the coveted scorn of the DI's bitching and moaning media complaints division.

The Wall Street Journal review was less positive. The reviewer, Pamela Winnick, was only identified as "an attorney and former reporter for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette."

Alas, that is but part of the story. She has also lectured at the Discovery Institute (a major player in the events described in the book, and not a group that came off well). That alone is an unfortunate conflict of interest, worthy of the Journal's attention.

But that's not the bad part. She was lecturing the Discovery Institute on "A Jealous God: Science's Crusade Against Religion." Which just happens to be the title of her book about the same topic as the book she's reviewing.

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