Our Seed overlords have created a way to reward the loyal Scienceblogs readers. If you'd like to be part of this elite squad, shoot me an email today (Thursday).
Basically, you'll be asked to read Scienceblogs (as you do already), and bookmark a few posts a week to a special account at del.icio.us. Those bookmarked posts will be put in a feed on the Scienceblogs homepage.
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If you'd like to join a sort of Scienceblogs elite reader club, you've got two days to send me an email. Each blog here can nominate two readers for access to one massive club account on del.icio.us. You'll be asked to tag (using del.icio.us bookmarks) three ScienceBlogs posts per week that are…
ScienceBlogs is launching a new "Super Reader" program, where each blogger can nominate two readers as "Super Readers" who will be given the ability to tag three posts a week from all of ScienceBlogs for a special RSS feed (this will be done using del.icio.us). This is envisioned as a first step…
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ScienceBlogs is, without question, the largest online conversation about science. We have 71 blogs, almost 70,000 posts and 850,000 comments. How does one reader keep up?!
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