Happy Birthday!

I'll be back in Kansas to take part in the celebration of KCFS's tenth anniversary, and I hope to see you all there

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Sorry for minimal blogging lately, which will continue for the next week or so, most likely. Last Friday I headed off to Kansas, where I helped celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of Kansas Citizens for Science. It was a great time, and a great thing to celebrate. Marvelous to see the…
I am an unconsoleable wretch. I am 15,500km from home, parted from my beloved on this day when we should be together. This is our 30th wedding anniversary, we've known each other now for 45 years (we had a long engagement), and I'm in Melbourne, Australia, while she's in Morris, Minnesota. I sigh.…
On June 9, 2006, a large group of us joined ScienceBlogs at once, along with a facelift for the site at large. So, in celebration of our one year anniversary, I decided to pour through the archives of the last year, looking for common threads and patterns. Perhaps not so coincidentally, my first…
At long last my copy of the new paperback edition of The Republican War on Science by Chris Mooney has arrived. The book is excellent, and always was. Had Mooney not written this detailed history and analysis of the ways that the Republican Party and its main constituencies have attacked the…