How to make a monster

Start by installing a madman as president, then invade another country. Pretty soon, you get a soldier waterboarding his daughter:

An Army sergeant who served in Iraq for 15 months has been restricted to his Washington military base after being accused of waterboarding his 4-year-old daughter because she refused to recite her ABCs.

(H/T BoingBoing).

The father apparently had a habit of wandering the neighborhood wearing kevlar and knocking on people's windows. His girlfriend says he has "an anger management problem." He performs helicopter maintenance in the Army, and spent 15 months in Iraq. Whether he learned about torture there or by watching 24 is unknown.

Both the girl and the father admitted to the torture, even detailing how Tabor would sit the girl on the edge of the bathroom sink and hold her head down until it was nearly submerged in water, dunking her if she refused to recite the alphabet, said [Yelm, WA, Police Chief Todd] Stancil.â¦

Tabor told authorities that "his purpose was to punish her by putting her in the water because he knows she is afraid of it and he wanted her to cooperate."

"She said her letters after that," Tabor told the cops, admitting that he had grown frustrated with the girl after practicing the letters for "approximately three hours." â¦

"Tabor told investigators that he feels his daughter is 'behind mentally for where she should be for her age,'" said Stancil.â¦

Stancil said that the young girl was "very articulate" and did not appear to have any developmental issues.

The father clearly has his own set of issues.

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