Friday Blog Roundup

If you've got a long weekend coming up, what better way to spend it than by reading the best science blog posts? Coturnix of A Blog Around the Clock has links to the 50 posts chosen for the Science Blogging Anthology.

Elsewhere in the blogosphere ...

Cervantes at Stayin' Alive and Janet D. Stemwedel at Adventures in Ethics and Science respond to the report on bias in industry-financed beverage studies.

Eesha Pandit at RH Reality Check reports on UNICEF's "The State of the World's Children 2007," which found that bringing an end to gender discrimination would benefit women and children alike.

Jordan Barab at Confined Space checks back in with some of the Bush administration nominees who alarmed occupational health advocates in the past ... and have now been re-nominated.

Mike at Real Climate examines El Niño and global warming, two explanations being cited for the US's anomalously warm winter.

Jessica Pickett at Global Health Policy summarizes some recent steps towards reducing HIV drug resistance.

Ian Hart at Integrity of Science has sharp words for the school board that's banning An Inconvenient Truth and condoms from classrooms.

Merrill Goozner at GoozNews reports on a study that quantifies thecosts and benefits of heart drugs (big hints for insurers here)

Gristmill checks on China's 2006 environmental successes and finds them in short supply.

Any other not-to-be-missed blog posts on public health or environmental topics? Leave them in the comments.

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