Friday Blog Roundup

Revere at Effect Measure updates us on the medical communityâs latest plea for Libya to release the six health care workers unjustly sentenced to death for âdeliberately infectingâ children with HIV, and links to Physicians for Human Rightsâ campaign to get the U.S. government to exert more pressure on Libya to free the nurses and doctor. Time is running short: The Libyan Supreme Court may hear the health workersâ appeal as early as the end of the month.

The IPCC Working Group II published their âSummary for Policymakersâ on the impacts of climate change, and reports surfaced about disagreements between the scientists who wrote the document and the government representatives who worked out the final text. Lisa Stiffler at Dateline Earth conducts a side-by-side comparison of early and final versions of the report; Mike Dunford at The Questionable Authority explains how facts ought to be used in such a document. Gavin at RealClimate illustrates how different members of the media approach the story by relating three different interviews he gave.

In other global warming news, Adam Browning at Gristmill explains how legislation for a âworld-class solar programâ made it through the Maryland legislature, and Kevin Grandia at DeSmogBlog reports that ExxonMobil has agreed to disclose its soft money donations following a shareholder proposal from the group As You Sow.

Elsewhere in the blogosphere â¦

Nyovani Madise at RH Reality Check reports on a recent study that considers wealth and HIV among teens in four African countries.

Aman at Technology, Health & Development hopes the new Google-U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum mapping project providing visual evidence of the crisis in Darfur will help mobilize people and resources to address it.

Abel Pharmboy at Terra Sigillata checks in on whatâs happening with some of the drugs that were grandfathered in after the 1962 passage of the Kefauver-Harris amendments to the 1906 Federal Food and Drug Act but werenât formally approved by the FDA.

Revere at Effect Measure has the latest on Congressional oversight into problems at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

Andrew Leonard at How the World Works warns that genetically modified crops in the U.S. arenât being monitored adequately.

Laura Landro at the WSJ Health Blog checks out mounting evidence that that surgeonsâ failure to communicate with patients and co-workers is a leading cause of avoidable surgical errors.

What else is worth a read? Leave suggestions in the comments.


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