Green Valentine Gifts

Reporters and bloggers are using the occasion of Valentineâs Day to explore the health and environmental aspects of typical gifts and recommend worker- and Earth-friendly alternatives.

â¢Â Jennifer Sass at NRDCâs Switchboard blog describes how typical greenhouse practices harm flower workers, and offers some healthier Valentineâs Day suggestions.
â¢Â The Green Guide at Grist suggests some green options for flowers and chocolate.
â¢Â Terra Sigillata alerts us to a romantic tune that can be downloaded to benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
â¢Â The LA Timesâ Margot Roosevelt reports on prominent jewelry retailersâ opposition to the Pebble Mine proposed for the site of the worldâs largest sockeye salmon run; itâs part of the broader âNo Dirty Goldâ campaign.

My own Valentine plans include dinner at a local organic restaurant and Fair Trade Divine chocolate (disclosure: Iâm friends with Divine USAâs CEO). Anyone else have green V-Day gift ideas to share?


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Digital Valentines Day without the chromium for me. I'm not in a relationship but I bought a domain name for a forward email for mom. I figure I can use this for years to come and never tell her the forward addresses don't cost anything.

Unfortunately she doesn't have a computer at the moment, but thats not really the point!(the one we got her for christmas died a fast death ala vista)

Good thought, BrettB -- hooray for digital gifts!

markcatlin, thanks for the link, and I also recommend folks to read the Seattle P-I special report on mining in the West, by Robert McClure and Andrew Schneider. It's from 2001, but still very relevant today, I'm afraid.