Veteran-Care and Product-Safety Reporting Win Pulitzers

The winners of the 92nd annual Pulitzer Prizes were announced yesterday, and reporting on veteransâ care and on drug and product safety scored top honors in the journalism category:

The Public Service prize went âto the Washington Post for the work of Dana Priest, Anne Hull and photographer Michel du Cille in exposing mistreatment of wounded veterans at Walter Reed Hospital, evoking a national outcry and producing reforms by federal officials.â The Postâs Walter Reed and Beyond website includes the original stories and slideshows, as well as reporting on the federal response.

The Investigative Reporting prize had two winners: âWalt Bogdanich and Jake Hooker of The New York Times for their stories on toxic ingredients in medicine and other everyday products imported from China, leading to crackdowns by American and Chinese officialsâ; and âthe Chicago Tribune Staff for its exposure of faulty governmental regulation of toys, car seats and cribs, resulting in the extensive recall of hazardous products and congressional action to tighten supervision.â The New York Times doesnât appear to have a special page dedicated to Bogdanich and Hookerâs reporting, but their initial article is here and others are listed here; the Chicago Tribune has a Kids at Risk website for its articles and resources.

Congratulations to the newspapers, reporters, and staff for their excellent work â and thanks to all of the journalists who are drawing attention to health and safety shortcomings and prompting officials to address them.

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