Friday Blog Roundup

Bloggers give us the dirt on the VP picks announced this week. Thereâs already info on McCainâs running mate, Sarah Palin:

And even more on Obamaâs VP choice, Joe Biden:


Scott Dodd at NRDCâs Switchboard remembers the horror of Hurricane Katrina and worries about the human and environmental consequences of another such storm striking the Gulf Coast.

Cristina Page at RH Reality Check explains whatâs alarming about the new HHS regulation that would let healthcare providers refuse to provide certain medical services.

Maggie Mahar at Health Beat places the new figures on the U.S. rate of uninsurance in the broader context of trends in health and inequality â check out her graphs and charts for striking visual representations of how much we need to fix.

Matt Madia at Reg Watch updates us on the White Houseâs watered-down version of a rule for protecting right whales.

Andrew Plemmons Pratt at Science Progress looks at whatâs behind the spike in the U.S. measles rate.

JLowe at Impact Analysis considers the geopolitical angle of public health, in light of the hostilities between Russia and Georgia

Angelique van Engelen at Triple Pundit brings us word of a gym thatâs translating its membersâ calorie-burning desire into usable energy.


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