MSHA nominee announced

The White House announced today 10 nominations for senior administration positions, including Mr. Joe Main to serve as the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health (MSHA).    The biography provided with the announcement notes that he:

"... began working in coal mines in 1967 and quickly became an advocate for miners safety as a union safety committeeman as well as serving in various local union positions in the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA). He was employed by the UMWA in 1974 as a Special Assistant to the International President, and joined the UMWA Safety Division in 1976, serving as Safety Inspector, Administrative Assistant, and Deputy Director. In 1982 he was appointed Administrator of the UMWA Occupational Health and Safety Department, a position he held for 22 years, managing the international health and safety program and staff. "

In an article in the Louisville Courier-Journal reporting on Main's nomination, mine worker advocate Tony Oppegard said:

"A year from today, you will see a very different agency in terms of the way it's run."

Here's hoping for a speedy confirmation process [remember Senate Dem's, Bush's choice Mr. Dave Lauriski did not have a confirmation hearing] so Mr. Main can get to work.

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Mr. Lauriski was confirmed in 2001. Mr. Stickler's nomination was blocked and he was not confirmed for A/S following Mr. Bush's reelection.

Great to hear- He seems old but I'm sure he has his A game. Granted, it's easy for me to say people are old lol

Nice. He should do a good job. There is an unusual age profile in the mining industry. He bring important experience with him.

Joe Main is a true hero. He is the right man for the job, no doubt about that at all.

Richard Stickler spent most of his career as a mining company executive. His only experience with public enforcement of health and safety standards was marked by repeated attempts to limit regulations and reduce health and safety protections for miners.

The role of MSHA Assistant Secretary: is charged with promoting the safety and health of America's miners by developing and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual process improvement in mining safety and health.

Improvements in mine safety during Sticklers tenure can be credited to Congresses passage of the MINER Act, not anything Stickler initiated.
Miners and their families can rest assured a former miner with safety experience will be running MSHA.

Confirm Joe.

Hello Sirs

I'm miner and got my BS in Mining engineering (Extraction) from Iran.I have been here(United States) for 8 months and I'm looking for MSHA class in Louisville.Please send me information how I can enroll this class and get my certification.

Best Regards

By Mohammad Rakhsha (not verified) on 27 Jul 2009 #permalink