Worth reading: 12 years after 9/11, poverty and the brain, and 14 lifesaving ideas

A few of the recent pieces I've liked:

Dorry Samuels Levine at National COSH: On 12th anniversary of September 11 attacks, more than 1,100 reported cases of cancer among responders and survivors

Emily Badger at The Atlantic Cities: How Poverty Taxes the Brain

Laura Helmuth at Slate: Fourteen Oddball Reasons You're Not Dead Yet

Steven Pearlstein in the Washington Post's Wonkblog: How the cult of shareholder value wrecked American business

Lisa Schnirring at CIDRAP: CDC head: Global disease threats call for better tools

Steven Wilmsen at Reporting on Health: Immersive coverage of health issues, particularly in underserved communities: The pros and cons of embedding reporters (The piece describes the extensive reporting efforts behind an in-depth Boston Globe series, 68 Blocks: Life, Death, and Hope, about the Bowdoin-Geneva neighborhood where violence has been a persistent problem. That series is well worth a read, too.)

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