Extra, Extra


Figure 1: The Borg isn't so bad, after all.

Blog News:

What a fantastic first week in the Borg ScienceBlogs. Welcome, again, to all the new readers.

Did you miss my Psychology and Neuroscience Editor's Selections at ResearchBlogging.org? Here you go again.

You can see what I'm writing on LAist by clicking the "Other Writing" tab under the header. Here is a direct link to this piece I wrote this week, in which I explain that there have not been more earthquakes in 2010 than in previous years.

Things that I didn't get around to blogging or tweeting:

Some initiatives that the National Post-doc Association is taking to help increase the stipends for post-docs. Go read about it at Dr. Isis's place. Right now, postdocs who are federally funded make $37,480. This does not include retirement, or health or dental insurance. This number has not been increased since 2006.

Scientists and filmmakers team up to expose the illegal international whale meat trade, in my own home town!

Friend of the blog and occasional commenter Ari has an interesting analysis of the possibility that the Los Angeles Unified School District may reduce the number of instructional days this and next year, in an effort to save money. This may be ridiculous, and Ari explains why.

Want to make bacon popcorn? You're welcome.

What constitutes a family? My wonderful cousin wrote a piece that was featured at FertilityAuthority.com. And, no, that isn't her in the picture at the top.

Total blog bff Scicurious (of Neurotopia) shall henceforth be called DOCTOR Scicurious. Go congratulate her.

Finally, a little housekeeping:

You can follow me on Twitter: @jgold85

And for those who missed it, here is this blog's RSS feed: http://scienceblogs.com/thoughtfulanimal/index.xml

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