3 Quarks Daily Sciblogging Prize: Voting Open

Voting for the 3QD science blogging prize has opened. Eighty posts have made the initial nominations list, including 3 of my own:

The ultimate winners will be picked by Richard Dawkins, but YOU can help determine the small group of finalists which will be sent to him for judgement.

So, go here to check out the nominees. Then click the link on that page to vote. I would be very grateful for your votes for one of my pieces!

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Okay, I voted for the ants, because I think that's one of the coolest subjects I've read on ScienceBlogs. It's along the lines of the post that led me TO ScienceBlogs (the Octopus's Garden one). I'm not sure I agree with the 3 possibilities that were suggested for how this occurs, but maybe that's because I'm mostly a layperson.