Wednesday Afternoon Jams: The Sky Is Falling Edition

Another awesome music video from OK Go. The song is called "End Love". Their last video for "This Too Shall Pass" featured a Rube-Goldberg machine; this one messes with your time perception.

"The fastest we go is 172,800x, compressing 24 hours of real time into a blazing 1/2 second. The slowest is 1/32x speed, stretching a mere 1/2 second of real time into a whopping 16 seconds. This gives us a fastest to slowest ratio of 5.5 million. If you like averages, the average speed up factor of the band dancing is 270x. In total we shot 18 hours of the band dancing and 192 hours of LA skyline timelapse - over a million frames of video - and compressed it all down to 4 minutes and 30 seconds! Oh and don't forget, it's one continuous camera shot."

"We also made a special friend in the process. Her name is Orange Bill and she's a goose. You will agree that she clearly has a future in music videos."

(h/t Discoblog)


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